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Ban Mae Toh School near Samoeng

The school was opened in 1981 as a branch of Ban Mae Khan school.

Today the school hosts 140 children and 14 teachers.

The school will only accept children from really poor families, orphans or

abandoned kids from villages without a school.

The school is recognized as a special project as a so called ''Self Depending School''.

For each student staying at the school the Department of Education contributes 26 Bahts a day.

Besides that the school depend on its own resources, such as farming and donations.

By growing their own fruits and vegetables and breeding pigs, chicken and fish the

students are able to produce part of the food supply.

The need approx. 14,000 kg rice per year which comes mostly from donations.

The school needs a new electric installation, the existing one is already hazardous dangerous.


The school was opened in 1981 as a branch of Ban Mae Khan school. Today the school hosts 140 children and 14 teachers. The school will only accept children from really poor families, orphans or abandoned kids from villages without a school.

Besides that the school depend on its own resources, such as farming and donations.

By growing their own fruits and vegetables and breeding pigs, chicken and fish the

students are able to produce part of the food supply.

For each student staying at the school the Department of Education contributes 26 Bahts a day.

The school needs a new electric installation, the existing one is already hazardous dangerous.

The need approx. 14,000 kg rice per year which comes mostly from donations.

The school is recognized as a special project as a so called

''Self Depending School''.

Ban Mae Marm School near Maetang

Approx. 50 students between 5 and 12 years of age live there, coming from the villages in the mountains.

The children have to walk to school several km through the jungle and stay over the week in school,

during rainy season even more than a month.

In the cold season the temperature drops down to 6 degrees. They have no hot water supplies for shower

in the morning.

Approx. 50 students between 5 and 12 years of age live there, coming from the villages in the mountains.

The children have to walk to school several km through the jungle and stay over the week in school, during rainy season even more than a month.

In the cold season the temperature drops down to 6 degrees. They have no hot water supplies for shower in the morning.

There is not enough food and water for cooking, washing and drinking they live mostly from rain-water and water from a stream.

With your donations and funds left over from the event TAS will install a hot water supplies

generated by solar power for Ban Mae Marm school and support Ban Mar Toh School with

new electric installation and rice for the students.

The Bürgermeister-Brass Band visit the Ban Mae Marm School


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